No we’re not debating if it is men who love pursuing women or is it the other way round. Think what pleases you because I believe both forever want the best as their friend and partner. But here is a conversation between two men. One is a pogonophiliac or a lover of beards sporting a stubble and the other is a clean-shaven guy. Let’s hear them out.

The pogonophiliac (P): ‘Research says that women find guys with a stubble quite mature.’

The clean-shaven guy(C): ‘You’re right… women find men with heavy stubbles quite mature which is women saying, ‘Man, you’re old!’

(P): ‘Really?’ 

(C): ‘In fact, research says that women consider men with facial hair to be universally less sexually attractive than those without.

(P): ‘And why is that?’

(C): ‘Probably because you appear to hide the truth… which makes you unclean.’

(P): ‘Aha! So this is why my girl-friend left me thinking I was unclean and smelly. Though she never said something as direct as – I hate that unclean stubble!

(C): ‘It’s true. Beards mean more testosterone and increased violence. Women are obviously not pleased about such tendencies.’

(P): ‘I’ve always loved my beard because it protects me from harmful UV rays. But I guess I need to rethink my strategy and grow the hair on my head to cover the back of my neck and the side of my face.’

The clean-shaven guy: ‘That’s a neat thought! This will protect you from sun damage. I think I’ll do the same. I too wonder sometimes why no girl has ever told me – His clean shaven look bowled me over!

The pogonophiliac: ‘I can guess the reason. You’ve always been a thinker… and you need to put your thoughts into action now.’


Men without stubbles think better...

Men without stubbles think better…

This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.

My series of 10 posts on smelly stubbles:

Poets write, stubbles don’t

Poets write, stubbles don’t

Autobiography of that unclean stubble

Autobiography of that unclean stubble

There’s more to stubble than you really know

There’s more to stubble than you really know

The stubble debate

The stubble debate

The tricky twins!

The tricky twins!

Men in pursuit

Men in pursuit

Part and parcel

Part and parcel

Twenty-four years later

Twenty-four years later


This happened at three in the morning

This happened at three in the morning





Arvind Passey
27 December 2013